
What Is True Love?
True Love is when you tell your girlfriend that you work in "Satyam" and she still accepts you.

  • Think Smart. Think different

    Investment Ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you purchased Rs1,00,000 of Delta Airlines stock 1 year ago, you would have Rs 4,900

    If you purchased Rs1,00,000 of AIG stock 1 year ago, you would have Rs 3,300 today.

    If you purchased Rs1,00,000of Lehman Brothers stock 1 year ago, you would have Rs 0.0 today.

    But, if you purchased Rs1,00,000 worth of beer 1 year ago, drank all the beer, returned the

    aluminum cans for a recycling refund, you would have Rs21,400!!!

    Think Smart!!


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Joke Of The Week

Great Doubt In Bhagavatam
---------------------------------------------------------- In a class teacher is teaching Bhagavatam. "Cruel KAMSA imprisoned his sister and her husband and killed all of their seven kids." Suddenly a student raised his hand. Teacher frowned," no one ever had a doubt in Bhagavatam. What's your doubt. Student polietly asked,"Teacher, if KAMSA know that his sister's son would kill him, why did he put both of them in same prison?"

Picture Of The Week

Picture Of The Week

Vedio Of The Week